Maldives National Qualifications Framework (MNQF)

Today, the Maldivian higher education sector is growing rapidly, with an increasing number of higher education providers entering the sector to meet the demand. Emerging from this growing importance of higher education is the concomitant requirement to assure the quality of qualifications awarded in testimony of educational attainments. Thus, the Maldives National Qualifications Framework (MNQF) is designed to:
  • Facilitate the development of a quality assurance mechanism for the higher education sector;
  • Provide a framework for recognition of qualifications offered in the Maldives and abroad.
MNQF provides a comprehensive and coherent national framework that facilitates quality improvement, quality assurance, and private sector participation in post- secondary education. MNQF also ensures that students, employers, education providers and the community at large easily understand the learning outcomes involved in various qualifications.